Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Let's Not Beet Around the Bush

Beets really do have a splendid garnet color. Now I know why certain colors are called “jewel tones” and as a former-would-be-trying-to-get-back-into-it artist, one would think I already knew these things, which I’m sure at one point, I did. But it’s been so long since I opened up a set of anything with Prismacolor on the box.

I only had to add 1 med. sized beet and my morning juice now, I am certain, could have easily dyed fabric back in 15th century Spain. And, without looking, right now, I know as I sit here drinking this, my lip is likewise emblazoned with a “jewel-toned” mustache. My beet is masking other shades of carrot orange, (5 of them) ½ of an English cucumber and 1 large knob of ginger. This is my breakfast on day 2 of my Juice feast. It’s actually going really well. I only felt “hungry” at about 10PM last night and settled in for tea, something warm always makes the tummy feel full. My last juice of the night was another watermelon-based concoction, also with ginger. Rightly called an Elixir, I got the idea out of Natalia Rose's book. -- And come to think of it, so is my breakfast. I think she calls this one: The Great Eliminator. Oh. goody. Well, what’s the use of doing a juice cleanse without cleansing, am I right?

I have these big farmhouse bar glasses. And I figured out that to get in my 3-4 quarts, i.e. shooting for 1Gallon of juice a day, I will have to drink 8 of what I just drank. But at least I have a handy eye-based measuring system. Now I don’t have to count ounces.

And I as I was scouring the internet last night looking for all the various Raw/Living/Vegan Food restaurants around the US, I am more than a little surprised that Hippie-Yuppie Boulder is without one. I think Karma Cuisine was alive and kicking for maybe 8 months, maybe a year? And got replaced by a Philly’s Cheese Steak Shop. Wow. Complete 180 there. To be fair, it was on an awkward section of Broadway before it hits Walnut and no real parking, the killer of many businesses in the Pearl Street District. But NJ has one, for crying out loud! Something should be done! Maybe as I get more into this raw lifestyle, I will find inspiration to open one, I did almost drop out of undergrad to go to culinary school... I admit, I have eyed the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center's program for a Masters Live/Vegan Nutrition... so who knows? What is amazing is how your body reacts, taste buds, response centers... the body knows what is useful and then I walk through the market and am amazed at how much non-food there is in there. Cardboard, death, nutrient-deprived. Wow. I am very happy with my juice so far. I feel good. I also just purchased Angela Stokes' Juice Feasting Handbook for $15 bucks as an e-book off her store-website. This is also coming in handy. A run down of do's and do nots and things to try.

In any case, one of my favorites from my search was Café Gratitude in Berkeley, CA. Each Menu Item is named after affirmations: I AM JOYFUL, I AM GRACEFUL, I AM WHOLE, I AM ACCEPTING. Really, very wonderful actually. If you live in the Bay area, lucky, lucky you!

For all the wind we had last night in Boulder, it is as still as death outside. Eerily sunny and blue skied but very still. Maybe it will make for a Productive reading day, I have 200 pages to get through. Or skim through, if the need arises. Ah, Grad School. At this point, I am kinda wishing I had bit the bullet and applied for an MFA. Maybe I will, next. One of those really well known low-residency ones, like Warren Wilson or Seattle Pacific, Goddard? I don't really know if I want to move again. I mean, out of city-state. New house? Sure. I am wondering what life would actually feel like without having to be in school, or working so I could go back to school, but actually being a participant in my own grown up life. It is exciting, and I'm pretty sure, this isn't just the juice talking, but what if it is? What if this is what cleansing is all about: clarity. Far seeing, far reaching... abundance, life, light, and a new sense of living this body-life, which cannot be separate, but whole, and warm.


Juice #2

½ yam
4 stalks celery
4 stalks rainbow chard
3 Leaves of Romaine
¾ c. Pineapple

became a lovely rich camo-hunter green. The pineapple takes the edge off the green taste, very nicely! And I’m starting to really like celery juice. So refreshing…

also downed Ashwaganda, charcoal tablets

Juice # 3


Juice of one young Thai coconut
¾ c. pineapple
4 stalks celery
2-3 T coconut meat (came out like milk)


Juice #4

1 clove garlic
1 inch piece ginger
2 carrots
handful of red grapes
1/8 Poblano pepper
1/4 English cucumber
bunch of cilantro
Hemp/Flaxseed oil
seaweed seasoning

nice and savory. Will make again. :)

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